The Chief is in the design & development phase of the RBF Rugged Leader Wallet. Working with the creative folks at Equinox LTD of Williamsport, PA, his ungodly rugged leader wallet will be constructed initially of 400 denier nylon, then if all goes well, recycled breathable waders. The Fair Maiden got involved in the design process and there just may be a ladies version. No more cheap zip lock bags and ratty vinyl pockets to store those RBF Ungodly Stealth Dry Fly Leaders.
The folks at Equinox asked if the Chief had a means of testing the prototypes as they wanted to make sure the Chief was satisfied with the design before they went into production. He responded, “We have a RBF Pro Staff that can test anything in the most arduous conditions known to man.”
In a short time, you will be called upon to field test the RBF Rugged Leader Wallet. RBF is also planning on marketing several other fly fishing accoutrements; All American Made.
The RBF Rugged Leader WalletMADE IN USA
Do you need some wader material for other accessories? I have a trashed pair with about 2 square feet of decent breathable material.
Anxious to field test the new product line.
If it needs field tested we have the right group of guys.
That there Wade guy can break just about anything.
I'm breaking some wind right now.
My RBF Fart Suppressor is in the shop having it's o-rings replaced.
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