1. High Street Bridge, Bellefonte
2. Bridgida, Gena Lola
3. Rio di Palazzo, Venezia
4. The Trestle footbridge, Coburn
5. Rio de la Rossitere, Etats Unis
6. Puente de Humberto, Andulasia, Espana
The first one to correctly identify the name of the bridge and its location will share in a recent $20 million windfall from my new friend Arundo Donax in Nigeria. Arundo’s family was recently ousted in a coup and he chose me to safe guard their funds in a PNC branch bank in Lagos. Just send me your SSN, bank account, and routing information and you will be set for life! Second prize is 100,000 shares in Bernie Madoff’s new hedge fund “Sing-Sing Growth and Income.” I hear it’s really secure.
The Chief knows his architecture and recognizes Contino's bridge that leads to the prison. The answer - 3 Rio di Palazzo, Venezia.
Yes, you certainly do!
The “Bridge of Sighs” passes over the Rio di Palazzo in Venice. The bridge connects the interrogation rooms in the Palazzo Ducale (on the left) to the palace prisons. Legend is that it got its name from the plaintive sighs of prisoners as they passed through the bridge and saw Venice for the final time before their imprisonment.
A note to the Chief and his Fair Maiden: Local legend says that lovers will remain in love eternally if they kiss under the bridge in a gondola after sunset.
I think both of you guys are way, WAY off on this one. I know my bridges and that one there is clearly the PA 144 bridge into South Renovo. I know it like I know my own backyard.
My second choice would be the Coburn trestle bridge over Penn's Creek. A "Bridge of Sighs" if there ever was one.
"Bridge of Sighs"....wasn't that a Robin Trower tune???
I can thoroughly understand Wade's choice too.
It certainly isn't a bridge in Pee Aye, our's don't make it much past one decade...
Matt, I'm bummin, I thought that I was Arundo's new best friend, and I was in line to get the cash....Well, I guess I'll have to make my millions on e-Bay, like everyone else. That last paragraph gave me a good belly laugh - Thanks!
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