Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Big Woods Summit

The Big Woods Summit dates have been set.
I will be heading for the camp after work on Tuesday May 25th and staying thru May 31st.
Hopefully, all the Pro-Staffers can make an appearance at some point during the week. Please let me know if you are planning to attend, and the date you plan to arrive. Also, if you require a bunk, they are on a first come basis.


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Third Generation Pro Staffers?

SO one might have wondered what could possibly keep any member of the vaunted Pro Staff cloistered away for such a long period of time? To that I offer the following photographs as evidence that my absence from Pro Staff events has not been in vain.

Haydens Whopper

Olins "Crappie" Catch

These fine specimens were taken on a local farm pond. Inside information had it that the Crappie (or calico if you prefer) bite was very hot. So it was time to take the young'uns out and open the season properly. Nowthe older of the two has been going fishing with Dad for the last three years and alreay has largemouth of 3, 5, and 8 pounds to his credit. This however was Haydens first outing ever with rod and reel and the crappie picture above his first fish ever. Needles to say I was extremely proud of my boys. And while we "fished with bait" I can assure all who read this that the fish were promptly released unharmed but both boys are keepers for a lifetime of fishing.