Sunday, December 5, 2010

5th Annual Christmas Fishing Gathering

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Gang will meet at the Waffle Shop in Bellefonte at 9 AM  for a hearty breakfast then head off to the
Paradise for some winter fishing.  The Chief will be preparing Wild Sheepshead Mushroom Soup and his Famous Skillet Venison Loin after fishing.  Coffee and hot chocolate will be on.  RBF's Eggnog with Apple Jack and many other libations will be available.  The RBF Mobile Command Center will be available for thawing out.  Last year it was a grand snowing day.  Let's hope for some great Christmas weather this year.


Agrontrutta said...

Greetings Fellow Prostaffers. Wish I could join you for the 5th CFG. I have already had my fill of snowing days here on the frozen tundra. It has snowed nearly every other day for the past two weeks with temps from -5 to 10 degrees most days.

The move went well and we are slowly adjusting to our new life. Been too busy unpacking stuff and trying to get oriented in my new job. Life was a whole lot simpler back in Happy Valley.

Remember me in your CFG toasts, enjoy the mushroom soup and the various libations and have a joyous Christmas and prosperous New Year.


Chief said...

Good to hear from you! You will be missed at the CFG! Seems you always provided an ungodly assortment of ales, most of which resembled liquid bread. Can't remember the name of the Dutch brew that was like a Guinness Expresso. Now snowing everyday, but not nearly as cold as ND. Lake effect snows have dumped 30" in the belt.

We will surely offer up a toast to one of our finest.

Merry Christmas from the Chief and the entire Pro Staff!

Bowhunter said...


Great to hear everything is going well in the frozen tundra. The RBF Bar looks great.
I’d love to make it out that way sometime for some pheasant hunting.
It won’t be the same without you at the CFG /BW summits. I’ll be sure to pick-up some ungodly ales at Wegman’s.
Have a Merry Christmas and stay safe.

GlenG said...

Good to hear that you are adjusting to life on the prairie. I think that you ought to think about taking a vaca sometime around late May or early June in time for the Big Woods rendezvous, and join us again for some fine dining, copious libations and some headwater trout fishing.
Merry Christmas!