Monday, April 16, 2012

Guide Catches Large Trout

Costello, PA Bowhunter, Head Guide at the Rossiter Lodge, caught this rather heavy Orange Trout with Berkley Powerbait over the weekend.


Bowhunter said...

I gave the kids all day to fill the bounty on the 5 goldfish. It's not my fault that they couldn't get the biggest one. And let's be clear, it was corn not power bait.

Jonny Ranger said...

I can attest to the ferocity of the fight...and the corn...

Agrontrutta said...

Chief's gonna need a bigger paella pan.

Bowhunter said...

This was a little guy compared to the one I lost last night. Biggest trout I had on in years.
I really need a bigger net. Or I really have to master the "Bear Scoop"

Jonny Ranger said...

I am hoping that Bowhunter will practice his Iroquois Indian Trout Fishing dance for us so we can see the performance around the campfire...We'll have to get some good music

AdamH said...

Great pic destined to be a classic displayed for years on the hallowed walls of the Rossiter.