Saturday, December 15, 2012

Season's Greetings

Various reports via social media indicate that the annual Christmas fishin gatherin was a success today. Look forward to any and all reports of the goings-on from Spring Creek today. In the meantime, here are a few meager pics of my few and far between flyfishing sojourns around south central ND this summer. I found a quiet place to target small mouths with a fly (streamers and poppers) on the McClusky canal about an hour north of Bismarck. The canal is a remnant of the last big pork barrel western water project in the west. It was to take water from Lake Sacagwea to central and eastern ND for irrigation of field crops. Never was realistic and basically was a boondoogle. Its lasting legacy is as a fishing spot for the likes of me.

Agrontrutta parked alongside the McClusky canal in southcentral ND.

A couple of smallmouths that fell for streamers.

Hope all prostaffers and their family enjoy a peaceful and loving Christmas time and a prosperous New Year. Carry On!


Bowhunter said...

Nice to see you are getting a little fishing in. So when are you going to get the offical Ice Fishing hut completed???

Agrontrutta said...

Too old for such sillyness! My tolerance for cold weather and drilling through 10 inches of ice faded decades ago. Much prefer sitting here quaffing Sam Adams lager and swapping electons with others!

Good to hear from you reprobates.
Matt S.

Chief said...

Hell I was looking forward to an ice shack! I was prepared to donate a vintage overstuffed, swivel, reclining rocker with beer stains.