Voting is nearly over. Looks like March 16 was chosen. We might want to think about having the Summit on March 23. We still have winter here in Centre Co. I don't think we will have any dry fly fishing. Fish still can be caught on scuds, eggs, pheasant tails and streamers. Think it over. I won't be doing any fishing. I'll have the Fair Maiden's Butternut Squash Soup to serve. I'll bring the RV to serve as a comfort station.
Good word has it that the Baetis has in fact started on Spring Creek. Very sparse, but it has started. Some fish are rising.
You have the final word on when you have the BWO summit. I may not be able to make it this year. I have a full month, but will make every attempt to be there.
I'm unable to make it the 16th and thus will be going up the 23rd either way. I've got a couple of potential ProStaffers going up then as well. Brandon, which has attended a few gathers and Nick. I'm for having it the 23rd, however, Chief it's your call.
Hit Spring Creek today. I only saw a couple Blue Wings, no fish rising. Still a little early, water is colddddd.
I can make the 23rd. Excited to get out! Where is it?
Spring Creek. We typically meet at Rony's in Pleasant Gap for breakfast then gather either at the Paradise or at Benner Spring.
So what is the final decision? I can verify that the baetis has in fact started on Spring Creek. I am planning on being in town on the 16th regardless.
I will not be able to attend on the 23rd as I work in order to support my fishing habits.
Weatherman says snow or wintry mix Friday into Saturday. 20's in the morning, then 40's. Clearing later. Ideal baetis weather, miserable fishing weather, but then again I turned into a pussy lately. 5 voted for the 16th. I'm willing to bring the RV and park at the pink trailer and serve soup and coffee. I don't want to stop anyone from fishing on the 16th. I'll send email. Suggest 9:30 at Rony's, allows time to visit FFP afterwards before fishing.
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