With this summer drawing towards its 2/3 mark beckons the question of this falls activities. Last fall there was a small deployment sent to Erie, Pa for some steelhead. The Pro Staffers were faced with some arduous conditions on the streams but, dumb fish were still caught.
I am contemplating on making another run up there again in October for some early season steelhead. I've got a friend, Brandon Nolan, that has the 'desire bug' to go and lose his steelhead v-card. Slinging big streamers for big fish in little water.

I am curious as to if there is anyone else that would be considering a trip to the north? I wouldn't consider it a full blown gathering or make the recommendation for an Erie Gathering. However, it would be nice to get some Officer support there from a Ranger.... Either way the enlisted have always been able to get the mission accomplished. As of right now there's my buddy and I that are planning a trip. Anyone else is welcome to go.