Saturday, October 12, 2013

Shutdown Blues

Agrontrutta is currently idled by the ill advised (and inconsistent) shutdown of the federal government. I’ll not go into my opinions of the current situation (at least not until after I get my next paycheck); howver, I’ll share a few pics from my late summer vacation with the better half and Cricket the Flyfishing Beagle in the Black Hills of South Dakota in early September. We spent about four days at the Spearfish Canyon Resort near Spearfish SD in early September and yours truly fished Spearfish Creek and Little Spearfish Creek in Spearfish Canyon. It is very scenic and great small stream fishing.

 Matt searching for fish along Spearfish Canyon.

 The Better Half and Cricket the Flyfishing Beagle at the petrified wood park near Lemmon, SD. A real off-the beaten-path attraction (sort of like the town with the largest ball of twine).
And the icon Mt. Rushmore.
The Better Half and Cricket the Flyfishing Beagle on Little Spearfish Creek