Saturday, February 1, 2014

91.609 million miles

That's how far the sun is away from my position on the earth today. It rose at 8:07 a.m. and set at 5:47 p.m. and reached an altitude of 26.3 degrees above the horizon. What do all these numbers mean? It means that winter is slowly (very slowly) receding from this icebox on the 100th meridian and 46.1833 degrees longitude. High temps for next week will be around 5 above zero to 5 below zero. Interestingly, the sun will slowly move farther away from my little spot on the frozen prairies until sometime later this year. For example, tomorrow the sun will be 91.622 million miles away. Soon, we will hit the rapidly accelerating and exponential part of the daylength curve and I will be able to drive back and forth to work without using the headlights on my vehicle.

I'll ask the question again: what do all these numbers mean? It means that I've got cabin fever and am sick of this f***ing cold weather. Nuff said

Matt S.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't you live up where the earth curves over to the other side and it is light all the time?