After a long hiatus the Rossiter Lodge was back open for business.

We were greeted with temperature more fitting for the end of May, instead of the first weekend of trout. 
Once again Kory managed to win the fish pool. Catching both the largest (18 ½) and the most trout on Saturday. The kid kept at it all day long, although surprisingly he did stop and eat lunch.
Saturday afternoon we were treated to a wonderful caddis hatch that had the fish eagerly taking emergers right behind the camp.
Sunday proved just as nice as the rest of the weekend, although the fishing was a little slower.

Once again Kory managed to win the fish pool. Catching both the largest (18 ½) and the most trout on Saturday. The kid kept at it all day long, although surprisingly he did stop and eat lunch.
Saturday afternoon we were treated to a wonderful caddis hatch that had the fish eagerly taking emergers right behind the camp.

Get ready, the 5th annual BWS is just around the corner.
5th Annual BWS!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait!
Good to see those kids wrangling up a passel of trout by using that deadly Velveeta Emerger© pattern from the good folks over at Flatlander Flies©. It's one of our top producers for early season emerging caddis.
Are there any ramps up yet? I'll be up in old Germainia this weekend huntin' for ramps, ginger root and wild Lebo Run brookies.
The ramps are up and ready to go. Not sure about the ginger. I plan on heading up this Saturday and wrangle up a few.
Howdy, fellow esteemed members of the RBF Pro Staff. Please accept my apologies for my ungodly absence from the official blog for all things Pro Staff related. Seems as though there is some policy here at the office against blogging whilst on the clock, but somehow I managed to get around it.
Great site, Chief! Paella, Yucca, cooler fishin'--you've managed to cover just about everything worth covering. I do notice a lack of info on Possum Pepper. Where can I get some?
I see the Rossiter Lodge has been majorly overhauled, added on to and otherwise improved to the point of being eligible for a five-star rating. Is the major addition to the west a deck or another lodging room? If, indeed, it is a deck, I see no good reason to leave the lodge proper during future gatherings, as surely you can ply the fertile waters of the Outhouse Beat whilst sitting on its platform. (On second thought, there is still one, but only one, good reason the leave the lodge proper, and that is to seek entertainment up the road in shuffleboard and interaction with the local population.)
Sadly, I won't be in attendance at this year's Big Woods Summit, otherwise known as the Rossiter Reunion. I have to work that weekend--halfway across the world in the Limpopo Provice of South Africa. There is a new single-shot rifle that must be arduously tested against zebra, impala and other denizens of the Dark Continent. Ungodly timing on my part. I trust you will shake a jar of Yucca despite my lack of participation.
Chief: How do I set up my offical Pro Staff profile? E-mail the details, password and secret handshake to my work address: my first initial, directly followed by my entire last name (no spaces, periods or other puncuation)
Tight lines,
Fly Rodder,
Sounds like a valid reason for missing the summit. I expect to see some ungodly posts of the expedition.
Welcome Youngin'! Good to have you aboard. You have been sadly missed as you will be at the summit. We do expect some ungodly photos from Limpopo. Seems the Pro Staff has been travelin the globe from South America to South Africa to Sweden to some damn prison canal to the Bob to Ole Bull. Where next? Costello?
Stay safe my good friend and keep your powder dry.
I've seen Kory in action, that kid is a fishing machine, really, he never stops fishing. Makes me tired just watching him fish.
Good to hear from you. Enjoy your Zebra tenderloins and Impala burgers! We'll have a moment of silence in your honor, just after downing a large glass of yucca.
Stay thirsty my friends!
The Chief is correct. We are a peripatetic passel of piscatorial persons.
Adam, don't wander across the border into Zimbabwe, it sounds treacherous there!
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