The Chief made a surprise spot inspection the other night to ensure that the Flatlander Department of the Pro Staff was measuring up to the prescribed level of performance and code of conduct.
Unfortunately, all I have to show for it is his calling card:
Maybe that’s a good thing, as going Chota-to-Simms with the author of “Caddis and a Beadhead” can be an intimidating experience. Heeding the advice given to a Pro-Staffer of long ago, (a member of a group of 12 desert stillwater specialists from the Sea of Galilee Chapter of Trout Unlimited), I resigned to “keeping close watch, so as not to be put to the test: the spirit is ready, but the flesh is feeble.” However, not as feeble as my casting loop as I slung my dry-dropper rig with a 10’ – 3 weight.
Actually, we really put a Number 6 on the trout, and went “a-ridin' into town, a-whompin' and a-whumpin' every livin' thing that moves within an inch of its life” with a variety of sulpher patterns:
Including this red hued spotted beauty
The Chief’s mojo must've rubbed off on me. Then again, maybe it was his Straub-paella-butifarra sausage marinade that invariably makes its way onto his calling card. Regardless, when a sucker can nymph up a sucker with a Caddis and Bead rig, you know the planets have aligned:
Reporting from the Flatlands,
Greg G.
Nice job with the calling card
The Chief and the Fair Maiden also put a Number 6 on those dumb trout slingin #16 RBF Sparkle Duns and #16 RBF Half, Half 'n Halfs just below the Pink Trailer. Don't you just love it when those delicate little mayflies start poppin off around 3 PM! Darn it, had to get the Fair Maiden back to the Beech Creek Community Center for her tap dancin lesson. Whilst drivin by the parking area, the Chief promptly spotted a proudly displayed RBF sticker. He spun that truck around on a dime and left his calling card. The Fair Maiden wondered outloud how did he readily spot that sticker. "Those ungodly things stick out like a sore thumb!" was his response.
Long live the RBF Pro Staff.
The Chief will be spendin the remainder of this week in the PennDOT building in the Capital. Was goin to fish a spring creek or two whilst here but decided to tie flies for his Western Trip instead.
Nice streamborn fish there - both of them! Well, when you're fishing in the hinderlands of SE PA, ya gotta expect a sucker now and again....They can't all be Browns like that beauty...
I thought I spied a RBF sticker at 3rd and State today. Hell, why didn't ya tell me you were going to be in town? I live 20 minutes from the capitol. That's not very pro staff like. You get 20 de-merits!
Glen - Believe me...I was goin to try to fish together sometime this week but my fly supply is so depleted and I can't find time at home to tie,,,I decided that it was in my best interest to sit here in the motel and tie. Besides...I don't get out of there until 6-6:30.
P.S. I have no RBF sticker on the company car. Prohibited by law.
Actually Chief, I just stepped away from the vise myself. I've been crankin out Coachman Trudes, and will proceed into Royal Coachman Trudes. Some of the best Brookie flies anywhere. I plan on doing a little trib fishin end of the month..:)
Seriously, next time you're around, let me know. You'd like Clarks.
Clarks Creek.....I would fish this wonderful dry fly stream in the late '70's, in fact I fished it with Vince Marinaro and his nephew one evening then enjoyed strong coffee and homemade cookies afterwards in their truck camper. Vince showed me how to drift dry flies from an upstream position of the dumb trout and also how to tie his thorax dun unlike that described in his "Modern Dry Fly Code". A most memorable evening for sure.
I would like to go back there and throw a few thorax duns just for fun.
To All Pro Staffers - Keep close watch, so as not to be put to the test.
An official staff member conduct inspection was conducted from an undisclosed distance and the results revealed that our Summit Emeritus, whatever the hell that is, was engaged in worthy angling activities demonstrating the biomechanical advantages of the long rod and the tactical advantages of the "Caddis and Beadhead" method.
Another Flatlander may need to be observed from an undisclosed distance to determine if his absences from the Big Woods Summits have anything to do with his unauthorized and unprescribed relationship with the RBF Girl.
You know that you're in good company when you have stories of Vince to reflect back on.
Funny, I'm not sure I've ever used a thorax dun on Clarks. Then again lately, I don't fish that stream for the dumb stockies. I've been "settling" for fishing the faster, broken water for wild fish. I catch less, but that's fine with me.
Yes, Wade and I have had a hot relationship ever since our night at Cherry Springs! But I've been having second thoughts. That GlenG is cute!
Glen send me an email!!!!
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