Seems every Spring, the Fair Maiden manages to catch something on fire. One year it was two power poles; another year, it was two acres of donkey pasture, yet another year it was the grape vines. This year, damn near the homestead. The prompt response by the good men of Beech Creek Fire Company lowered the Chief’s blood pressure to a manageable level knowing that the home would be spared. She only managed one-half acre this time. The Chief hid all matches and lighters. With the Fair Maiden there is no such thing as a controlled burn. Photographs were taken for evidence.
Whew, close call! Those overhead power lines are a little too close for comfort. A little back-draft action in that spot and the boyz at the Beech Creek VFD might have been saving yet another basement and chimney. Glad to hear everyone's ok.
Was the Fair Maiden in Yellowstone during the summer of '88 by any chance?
No she was not in Yellowstone in '88. I forgot the campfires that she let get outta hand at Hyner, Little Pine and Ole Bull.
It takes real talent to start brush fires with snow still on the ground.
I'm sure the boys at the fire department were shaking there heads when the call came in.
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