Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fishin is Good

Finally got a day to fish with my daughter Katie. We spent the day on Spring Creek fishing, drinking beer and sharing a shore lunch. Fishin was tough throughout the day, but Katie managed several fishin the Caddis and Beadhead. It started to rain hard in the evening so we took cover in the Maiden Voyager and enjoyed Seyval Blanc wine, anchovy stuffed olives and Manchego cheese. We finished the wine and began fishin above Paradise. Sparse sulphur emergence but a saving spinner fall. We caught many trout on the RBF Sulphur Half & Half. An enjoyable day on the stream with my lovely and talented daughter.


Wade Rivers said...

Best post of the day!

Bowhunter said...

Sounds like a great way to spend a day with your daughter.