The RBF Pro Staffers were shin deep in trout infested waters during the 6th Annual Big Woods Summit; but they were faced the most arduous conditions every placed before them. Scorching heat and an Alfred Hitchcock-like fly encounter would have sent most other anglers packing, but not these men. Highlights of their latest expedition were as follows:

Survival of the S. Aldrichi fly infestation. The Pro Staffers often resembled UNICEF poster boys, covered by those “friendly” sumbitches. But that didn’t stop them from enjoying themselves and fellow Pro Staffers.

Midger – finally is on the winning side of a shuffleboard game. The Chief promptly restored his permit to compete in future events.

Mike, newly appointed Pro Staffer, subdues large brown trout after working 12 feverish hours on a set of small cubby hole doors. The Chief netted the beast earlier but lacked the necessary photographic evidence. Smile Mike...hell you look like the Chief holding one of Donnie's fish.

Gentlemen...that is a meatloaf. Bowhunter expertly prepares a Buffalo Meatloaf three times the size of a car battery. WeightWatcher Points per serving - 70.

The finest batch of Yucca ever produced is consumed for the first time under the stars. The passing of the Yucca Jar seems to be the highlight of every BWS. Midger, without the expert help of Flyrodder, prepared this ungodly tasty batch. Sufficient Libation Index calculated at 1 glass. I think the Ranger had two, but he's a Ranger.
Chief defeats Bowhunter this time in a One Fly-Two Hundred Fly Challenge. Chief started the scoring minutes into the event. Then after being rather annoyed by two hundred flies he sought shade and a cold Straub beer knowing Bowhunter would not land a fish in the scorching afternoon heat. He was right, as always. Photographic evidence is not required here.

Agrontrutta decides to pass on moderation in favor of sufficient libation after he got his turn with the official cocktail of the RBF Pro Staff. Actually, he started libating soon after his feet hit the ground in God's Country.

The Maiden Voyager is converted into the RBF Mobile Command Unit.
Bunyan masters his art of procrastination by still not producing sketches for the RBF Cookbook.

GlenG continued to be the outfit’s example-setter. His cherub demeanor helped the men survive this arduous expedition. Here he instructs the men on fly tolerance, use of 2-ply shitter paper and personal hygiene while in camp. Never met a man so concerned about others.
Ranger Totonkahunter is appointed Pro Staffer by applying Ranger-style survival techniques and not dancin around like a Kansas City faggot while attending his first Big Woods Summit.
Midger nets Red Tail, a fabled brown trout known for his coloration and refusals of the Chief’s earlier offerings.
Bunyan catches trout after trout in a mountain stream. He claims to be an accomplished angler. But wait…he fished in the kiddie section. True story.
Yo Bunyan,
Time to Git R Done.
Chief, great job with the report for the week’s events. The shot of the flies does not do it justice. Bunyan had a lot more flies on his hairy legs then I did. It just shows what pro-staffers will go thru for great fishing and cold beverages.
I don't think I would have liked those flies. Yuk!
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