Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Chief Has Surgery

After suffering through a year of foot pain with conservative treatments for Morton's Neuroma, the Chief has surgery to rid himself of a nerve gone bad in his left foot.  Morton's Neuroma is fibrous tissue formation around nerve tissue on the ball of the foot between the toes.  Painful sumbitch.  He could only manage a couple hours of fishin and didn't even bother muzzleloader hunting.  After undergoing open heart surgery, the Chief thought that this outpatient surgical event would be a snap.  He was dead wrong.  Painful sumbitch.  Foot still thumping after four days.  Relief finally came fortuitiously while fly tying.  Seems the combination of narcotics and head cement works wonders.  The Chief will find out Thursday when he can slip on the waders.


Wade Rivers said...

Compared to open heart surgery, Morton's Neuroma is like having a cold. But, then again, I didn't make it past the first 13 seconds of that video.

Hope you're back on your feet in no time. Spring is right around the corner.

GlenG said...

Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Sorry to hear you were not feeling so well. Now for some Vicodin and head cement. I'll check back in later......

So what's the date for the Baetis party, err, fishing trip? Maybe I'll bring Elliott, he thinks he's got this fishing thing down, after slaying brookies with attractor patterns. He need a good dose of humility.

Chief said...

Wade - You ought to see the video on open hearts...Black & Decker power tools are in the limelight.

GlenG - Thanks and stay tuned.

Wade Rivers said...

Better get those wading legs in shape for this summer. Right now we got 77 inches of snow on the Madison Plateau, 41 inches at the Northeast Ranger Station and close to 50 inches in Snake River Country.

The 10 year drought is over. Should be a good year on Soda & Slough.

Bowhunter said...

Chief great to hear things went ok with the surgery. Get caught up on the fly tying while you can.