Friday, February 4, 2011

My Daughter Can Out-Fish Your Honor Student


Anonymous said...

Your daughter can also outsmart your honor roll student, as she was a HIGH honor roll student.
Your daughter,
Little RBF

Chief said...

You were never burdened with self-doubt, a difficult trait to master. Ets una gran pescadora!

Bowhunter said...

Chief you are blessed, looking forward to fishing with both of you again(maybe all 3 sometime)
A family that fishes together stays together.

Chief said...
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Chief said...

Thanks Mike...I am blessed having a daughter still wanting to fish with her grumpy old father. The Fair Maiden just comes along to make sure I make it back to the truck. We will make sure to include you in our fishing plans, especially during the sulphurs.

LearningByReading said...

I am not a fan of those bumper stickers either. :)

Chief said...

I ordered a bumper sticker for each of my vehicles, one for my office door and another for my traveling rod case. :) Ain't bragging when she can do it. Better sticker would be - My Daughter Can Out-Fish the Chief!