Warning the following series of photos contains images which might be considered disturbing by tree hugging bambi lovers, young children, and anyone lacking an appreciation for outdoor cookery.
Rule one
Have atleast 2 apprentice "xefs" on hand at all times
This is a minimum as one will have the direct responsibility of attempting to start a fire with wood that was thoroughly soaked in the driving storm the night before.
The second apprentice will be primarily responsible for keeping #1 from murdering the "soc un Gran Xef" for leaving the firewood (especially the temperature control logs) out in said torrential downpour. This is best acheived by keeping a steady stream of freshly seared wild ramps and morels along with spirited libations in apprentice #1 hands.
Rule Five
Always return the meat to the pan for serving. If for no other reason than it is just a wholly ungodly presentation.
I mentioned pickling the Soc un Gran Xef earlier. The primary reason for this is so some smart ass with a camera can capture the shot above, not to mention it adds to the quality of the show. Sort of like making the guy at Bennihana take a shot for every shrimp tail he tosses into his hat.
Not wanting to be outdone, Bunyan offered up his own delicacy:
Fire Grilled Jalapenos stuffed with cream cheese and Prosciuto.
We are still awaiting the official judgement of Bunyans dish from the Chief.
All of the above dishes were tested on the animals of the Rossiter Lodge............
The verdict is still out on whether they were harmed or not!
Good Lord Chief! That next to last pic is not a sight for tender eyes.
BTW, got a beat reserved at Armstrong and Nelson spring creeks in Paradise Valley Sept 5 and 6. Might be floating the Yellowstone a couple of days that week. Sad to say that may be my only flyfishing outing this year. Are you still planning the MT trip in Sept?
Go ahead and laugh.
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