You can increase your odds of hookups if you concentrate on the matters in front of you. A very basic rule of fly fishing. As a service for our viewers, we offer this concentration improvement tool.
Dang Chief, where's the rest of it? Watching that was like trying to play shuffleboard with no wax on the table. I mean, I get all excited because there's a shuffleboard table, only to be thrown into the depths of despair because there's no wax!
"..increase your odds of hookups..."
especially at Heartbreakers. Hallelujah Becky!
Watching that type of stuff can get me in trouble at work. I could concentrate on that for hours.
Dang Chief, where's the rest of it? Watching that was like trying to play shuffleboard with no wax on the table. I mean, I get all excited because there's a shuffleboard table, only to be thrown into the depths of despair because there's no wax!
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