Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Annual Christmas Fishing Gathering 2012?

Given the proximity of December and the desire to try and plan things out in advance I would(as the junior most member) propose the 15th of December as the annual meeting. Understandably that its about a month away and surely enough time to take it to a vote.


John W said...

That date is good for me as well.

Jonny Ranger said...

I shall post it to my calendar pending aproval of the event by the CEO of the home -

I would also like to venture out an invitation that we bag fishing this year and just go striaght to the Chief's house for a nice visit.

Chief said...

Thanks for thinking of me. However, Pop's Memorial Mass will be Dec 17 and no doubt I will be in Johnstown over the weekend preparing for the event. Go fish, catch a few then share some Buffalo Trace.

Bowhunter said...

That weekend will work for me. Look for another get together in January...

Chief is looking forward to this since he can not attend the annual X-mas event. Let's really try to make this one work. Chief will have the final word as to which weekend.