Saturday, December 14, 2013

Western Summit 2014?

Fellow Prostaffers:
I've been tying various flies for the last 2 hours with visions of rising trout sipping dry flies as the sun sets on a placid stream. No doubt this has been facilitated by the several Black Butte porters (Deschuttes Brewery, OR) I have quaffed during the same time. Perhaps even further lubed by the Narwhal stout (10% ETOH by the same brewery) that I imbibed.

Anyway, as I daydreamed of said trout, I thought about the last western summit we held in Montana in 2008. Seems to me it is time to reacquaint western trout with the skills of the eastern angler. Including the sight of a lone flyfisher at evening hatch with a Richardson chest box and a George Harvey dry fly leader stalking risers in the dusk.

Sorry for the faux fishing writing and hyperbole. What I mean to say is, is anyone interested in meeting up in Montana this summer for some good fishing and a good time? If so, please let me know. I'd be willing to help make arrangements and even meet some folks at airports and drive. If there is interest in fishing on the Missouri River, I can prevail on my nephew (guide with the Trout Shop in Craig, MT) for help in setting up a  great time in the Missouri and surrounding waters.

Just wanted to start the discussion.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Shutdown Blues

Agrontrutta is currently idled by the ill advised (and inconsistent) shutdown of the federal government. I’ll not go into my opinions of the current situation (at least not until after I get my next paycheck); howver, I’ll share a few pics from my late summer vacation with the better half and Cricket the Flyfishing Beagle in the Black Hills of South Dakota in early September. We spent about four days at the Spearfish Canyon Resort near Spearfish SD in early September and yours truly fished Spearfish Creek and Little Spearfish Creek in Spearfish Canyon. It is very scenic and great small stream fishing.

 Matt searching for fish along Spearfish Canyon.

 The Better Half and Cricket the Flyfishing Beagle at the petrified wood park near Lemmon, SD. A real off-the beaten-path attraction (sort of like the town with the largest ball of twine).
And the icon Mt. Rushmore.
The Better Half and Cricket the Flyfishing Beagle on Little Spearfish Creek

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Log jams.......... deep pools......... bolder gardens.........

With this summer drawing towards its 2/3 mark beckons the question of this falls activities. Last fall there was a small deployment sent to Erie, Pa for some steelhead. The Pro Staffers were faced with some arduous conditions on the streams but,  dumb fish were still caught.
I am contemplating on making another run up there again in October for some early season steelhead. I've got a friend, Brandon Nolan, that has the 'desire bug' to go and lose his steelhead v-card. Slinging big streamers for big fish in little water.

I am curious as to if there is anyone else that would be considering a trip to the north? I wouldn't consider it a full blown gathering or make the recommendation for an Erie Gathering. However, it would be nice to get some Officer support there from a Ranger.... Either way the enlisted have always been able to get the mission accomplished. As of right now there's my buddy and I that are planning a trip. Anyone else is welcome to go.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Big Woods Summit 2013

Ok, so who is coming to the Big Woods Summit this year? I will be arriving on Wednesday May 22nd and I will be leaving the following Monday May 27th.

I need to start thinking about the menu for this year’s event. So let me know if you are coming and what days you will be there.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Recipes for a Good Day

Here's a preview of what's to come....

Camp Coffee
Agrontrutta                                                                                                                        Bismarck, ND

Fly fishing camps require certain essentials. Coffee from a campfire in the morning, for example. Whether it’s at Salmon Forks Camp on the South Fork of the Flathead River in the “Bob”  or at Lyman Run in Penn’s woods, camp coffee clears the head and gets your mind right. At Rossiter Lodge we cheat and drink the brew from an electric coffee maker because we can’t be trusted with fire that early in the morning. Coffee from the Trout Shop Café in Craig, Montana is the next best thing to camp coffee.
John Gierach captured the cosmological connections of camp coffee and gave some practical tips on its making in Trout Bum. Ernest Hemmingway in Big Two-Hearted River has Nick, the story’s protagonist, trying to remember how his friend Hopkins (“Hop”, killed in WWI) made camp coffee—boiled or simmered. Nick boils it and the bitter tasting result reminds him of the right way. He ends up sweetening the black bitter brew with the syrupy dregs from a tin of apricots.
 I can’t channel John Gierach and the closest I’ll ever get to Papa’s spirit is Hemmingway Flats on the Missouri River. I don’t even have my own camp coffee recipe. So, here’s one I stole from Tom Perini’s Texas Cowboy cookbook. It’s actually from Richard Bolt, a cook at the Pitchfork ranch near Guthrie, Texas.
The night before: Fill coffee pot (1 gallon) with water to one-inch below the spout. Add 1 to 1 and ½ cups coffee grounds (depending on strength). Let sit overnight.
In the morning: Put over a low fire and bring to a simmer. Take the pot off the flame and dash it with cold water (settles the grounds). Enjoy.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Baetis Summit

Voting is nearly over.  Looks like March 16 was chosen.  We might want to think about having the Summit on March 23.  We still have winter here in Centre Co.  I don't think we will have any dry fly fishing.  Fish still  can be caught on scuds, eggs, pheasant tails and streamers.  Think it over.  I won't be doing any fishing.  I'll have the Fair Maiden's Butternut Squash Soup to serve.  I'll bring the RV to serve as a comfort station.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Trophy Display

I won’t lie.   I wanted to win the 2  Fly Contest.  I don’t know why, but I did.  I figured the best two flies to use would be a #10 Rusty Spinner and a #10 2XL Hare’s Ear but I chose a Caddis and Beadhead.  I believe that you must have confidence in your flies and I can catch trout in sewer with those flies.  The rest is history.  The infamous trophy is being displayed in our living room next to my antler collection.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Blue Wing Olive Summit

Well it’s that time of year, vote for your choice of weekends for the Blue Wing Olive Summit.

I believe there may be a Trout Legend fishing contest the weekend of the 9th.

Voting will end March 2nd   Good Luck