Another Summit, another ungodly accomplishment! The Chief stood in amazement when Bowman exited his circus-sized tent with the ungodly contraption pictured below.

This engineering marvel neatly stores Bowman's Coleman stove (RBF Official Camp Stove), lantern, two cans of fuel and a couple pots. The blasted tote even serves as a stand for the stove! The Chief likes contraptions, especially those that can restore order to his often choatic life.

Bowman, takes his turn preparing the Official Cocktail of the RBF Pro Staff.
Welcome aboard, Mike. As you may have noticed, the Chief is very easily amused :^) Just kidding, he's a professionally trained engineer and appreciates beautifully simple designs. He even once said that I was "beautifully simple"......or was it obtuse? I kinda forget but he knows what he's talking about in these matters.
I'm speechless.
Saftey Ed knows stoves......And recognizes an optimized set up.
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