The Fair Maiden caught her share of trout on this ungodly spring creek during the early morning hours with a BRF Zelon Midge, not be confused with a RBF Zelon Midge. In the early afternoon, she grew tired of catching fish and decided just to relax and watch the Chief, whitetail deer, trumpeter swans and sand hill cranes.

The Fair Maiden spotted a rise form that she had never seen before. You see, the prominent feature of this rise form was the huge wake that preceeded the sip. "That's probably a real big fish over there...go get him!" The Chief approached the scene and went into a study while sipping some Southern Comfort. The PMD's had waned. It could be spinners or it could be a baetis emergence that had this big brown feeding. I took Buzz's earlier advice and tied on a RBF CDC AP Baetis Emerger. Buzz operates an ungodly fly shop just upstream. The fish was slightly beyond a floating weed bed. The Chief could not approach from above or below as the water was beyond his waist-high waders. The leader must crumble on the surface to get a good drift. No problem with RBF's Ungodly Stealth Dry Fly Leaders. The Chief was utilizing an 22' version, illegal in many states. Cast made, fish hooked. Then what became known as the "Epic Battle at Eva's Hut" took place. You see, it was just like the battle in "A River Runs Through It". Except it wasn't Brad Pitt, and it wasn't raging water, and it wasn't with a bamboo rod. Other than that, it was exactly the same. The Chief went in over his waders and got stuck in the bottom muck. The Fair Maiden pleaded with him to end the battle but the Chief would have nothing to do with it. He responded..."Soc un gran pescador! Nunca pararé!"

The beast had taken the Chief down to the backing twice.

The Chief attempted to net the beast a couple of times but he had no plans on entering that huge contraption the Chief has been known to carry. Thirty minutes later, the Chief was measuring the 22" beast on his Streamborn 864.

With a smile on his face, the Chief released his formible opponent, thanking him for the Epic Battle, never to be forgotten.
Not since Ernst Hemingway's "Santiago" character clashed with the giant blue marlin in his novella, The Old Man and the Sea, have I read of an epic battle of these proportions.
Nice to see this one had a favorable outcome.
Chief, I thought you were Brad Pitt's stunt double in "the movie."
Great fight, great fish.
The only thing missing from this epic battle is a nice mule in the background.
I think Brad Pitt should be Chief's stunt double. But we all know the Chief does his own stunts (especially stunts involving fire)
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