Recently ground was broken for a new addition. The addition is to be completed by 2009 just in time for the 5-year anniversary.

A special thanks goes out to Matt for all his hard work in ungodly conditions. Showing once again why he was choosen Pro Staffer of the year.
One more weekend and the addition should be under cover, permitting the next phase to continue.
If any pro staffers are free to help e-mail me for a date.
Facelift? Where I come from, we call that "continuous architecture"! Looks like a pretty nice hangout. You RBF guys are a real hoot! Been checking you out since I was searching the web for a cure for buttocks boils!
Bob K. Lander, WY
Holy Cow! Do you mean to tell me this here internet thingy actually reaches outside of PA?
Yes indeed, the Rossiter Lodge offers the finest accomodations in the greater Costello, PA area. Soon to be listed in Zagats and the Michelin guide.
Bob K. - Thanks for checking out the RBF Pro Staff and hope your buttocks boil(s)are healed. Tell you the truth about the Rossiter Lodge...I sleep in a tent when we gather at the Lodge. I'm afraid of the numerous rodents that scurry across the floor.
That Rossiter lodge sure is one fine looking piece of bottomland. I reckon I been enjoying this here blog since I first stumbled across it a few months back. You Pro Staffers sure are a talented & entertaining bunch of folks alright. Might you boys ever find yourselves out in Montana's Big Hole Valley you having a standing invitation to spend a few sleeps at our humble Flying Double D Ranch.
That goes 'cept for that Wade Rivers fella. That boy's as slippery as deer guts on a door knob.
Yours truly,
Darby & Florence Hamilton
Wisdom, Montana
Looks just like those fancy blueprints, err, the crayon and napkin sketches....
Looking good Mike'(s)! Sorry I couldn't be around to dig in the dirt and bang a few nails in.
Wow, I didn't the rest of the world knew about us. I'd better start paying my taxes.
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