Westslope cutts dominate the South Fork of the Flathead river in the Bob. These are colorful fish and great fighters. Most times during our week on the river fly selection was a no brainer. As long as it was big (size 8 or 10), gaudy (think outrageous Royal Wulffs), and had rubber legs the fish would pounce on it. The first night in camp I hit a great hatch of Turck’s tarantulas and just murdered those stupid trout. During mid day when the cutts were on siesta, the western version of a caddis and a bead (hopper-dropper) did the trick. The last day on the river I used a size 10 White Wulff with a bead head Prince nymph and landed fish left and right.

Bowhunter with a fine example of a westslope cutthroat trout

Wade Rivers practicing rocket science

Even Agrontrutta could catch those cutts
There was a great evening rise to PMDs each night from about 8:30 to 9:15. That called for a technical approach—a size 18 sparkle dun on 3x tippet. Like I said, it ain’t rocket science, its cutthroat fishin.
All images courtesy of Bowhunter. Thanks Mike!

Even the Chief can catch those cutthroats...big, pretty Yellowstone ones...
1 comment:
I'm still trying to achieve the correct shade of dubbing on my Turk's Tarantula's. I've been through all 147 color shades in the Gary Borger Color system and I'm still not happy with the results. Those cutthroats may be dumb but they sure are discriminating. I'm going back to those German "von Braun" brown trout.
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