Soda Butte Creek in YNP must be the prettiest stream in the entire world. If there's a prettier one, I haven't seen it. It is also the Fair Maiden's favorite, especially in the Round Prairie section near Pebble Creek. We spent three incredible days fishing this gem. The Fair Maiden caught her share of trout. She especially enjoyed catching those small, beautiful native fish.

The most productive section this year seemed to be between the Lamar Stock Trailhead and the Cone. We began fishing here on August 5 with our friend Ray Rathmell, Lock Haven, PA. Ray and his wife Darlene are the campground hosts at the best campground in YNP, Pebble Creek. We began fishing around noon and soon there were PMD's emerging. Between the three of us, I know that we caught 100 cutthroats. The Fair Maiden would take 5-6 out of each hole, some no bigger than a bathtub. Every couple of minutes or so, we would hear her holler, "Fish on!" She was rigged up with a #16 PMD Sparkle Dun and a #18 Shop Vac.

On Wednesday, August 6 we attempted to fish the Baronette Meadow section in the evening. With the Chief in the lead, we trekked through the meadow to find the spot where the Fair Maiden lost a huge cutthroat in 2005. The Chief saw a grizzly track about six inches across in the sand and attempted to snuff it out with his boot. The Fair Maiden spotted the sly footwork and asked the Chief what he snuffed out. "It was a bear track, wasn't it?" "Ah, ah..." "Let's get out of here," the Fair Maiden shouted. Well, it started to pour, so we headed for some cover. While standing under a lodgepole pine, the Fair Maiden spotted something...

We soon were back at the car heading back downstream, stopping first at Ronnie Wright's to purchase bear spray. Being honest, seeing fresh grizzly sign, even spooked the Chief. Especially after learning that a tenter was mauled by a grizzly just a few days ago just up the road. The Fair Maiden had a few beers to settle her nerves, then started to hammer'em again in Round Prairie.

We were leaving the Lamar Valley on Saturday morning heading to Canyon to fish the Yellowstone. The Chief begged for one more cast in the Soda Butte. We pulled into the Lamar Stock Trailhead and found it empty. The Chief quickly grabbed a fine Montana ale and headed to the stream. When he got to the water, he realized that he had forgotten something. "What no rod?" True story.

Now with rod in hand, the Chief had the prettiest stream in the world to himself. The cutthroats continued to take his offerings, one after another. A mule deer doe came to visit.
That was a real Butte of a report! In fact I'm head over heels in love with all these reports, and all the great pix too. Thanks for taking the time to throw 'em up, guys.
Congratulations on your return in triumph and coronary health to NE YNP. I musta left a strong scent trail (usually it's just a ring in the tub), as you were darn near in my bootsteps from DePuys up to Soda Butte. It seemed like the PMD's had just started on Soda when we were there on 7/26 & 7/27. Now if you ended up in Cody, I'll know for sure that it's Wade who's been leaking my secret itinerarys. Normally, he just leaks.
I second that emotion about Soda's beauty. It's keelin' me being back in the flatlands...
Love your photos and blog. I was at that exact spot in August of 08. Think of it all the time- so magical.
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