Good fellowship and libations kept off the cold on Saturday when select prostaffers met for the Christmas Fishin Gathering. Fortified with a hearty breakfast at the Bellefonte Waffleshop, the Chief, Bowhunter, Goose, and Agrontrutta gathered at the Paradise and dredged the runs with sucker spawn and pheasant tails. Midger dropped by later in the morning. It was good to see improved water levels on Spring Creek after a very dry autumn.

A highlight of the day was the award ceremony recognizing Bowhunter for his culinary feats at the Big Woods Summits.

Later in the day we quaffed several Erie ales, munched on cookies and other goodies, and chowed down on the Chief's excellent venison with morels, and a great sheep'shead mushroom soup. Some Brazilian java with a shot of Gentleman Jack not only was a great apperitif, it also kept frostbite at bay.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all RBF prostaffers, sponsors, and hangers on.