The northward trajectory of the trip peaked at Arjeplog, Sweden near the Arctic circle (66 degrees north). We viewed the midnight sun from Mount Gaultipoudis and had a Swedish "fika" (coffee and pastry) at 1 a.m.

This engineering marvel neatly stores Bowman's Coleman stove (RBF Official Camp Stove), lantern, two cans of fuel and a couple pots. The blasted tote even serves as a stand for the stove! The Chief likes contraptions, especially those that can restore order to his often choatic life.
Bowman, takes his turn preparing the Official Cocktail of the RBF Pro Staff.
But, the pièce de rèsistance was provided by the Chief himself. Part performance art (Chief did his impression of the Burning Man with the camp stove), part academic lecture on the ethnic and cultural history of Spanish cooking, the Chief’s campfire Paella (do not ask me how to pronounce it) was absolutely out of this world. The photo below does not do it justice. I think it had more ingredients than Heinz 57. The pan itself was a marvel. It was bigger than most flying saucers over Roswell, New Mexico.
So, as Bowhunter eloquently stated, “If you didn’t get enough to eat it was your own damn fault!”