Sunday, March 29, 2009

Chorizo and Butifarra

The Chief loves to make tasty sausages, especially chorizo and butifarra. Spanish chorizo, not to be confused with the Beaner version frequently sold and served in this country, is simply ungodly tasty. Beaner chirozo will give you the shits. Prepared with copious quantities of garlic, smoked paprika and marjoram, then cold smoked over apple, the Chief's Spanish version is perfect for paellas. This version, not to be confused with the dry-cured type that we use for our Catalan Toast, requires cooking before consumption.

Butifarra, the beloved sausage of the Catalans, is quite similar to Polish Kielbasa. Prepared with garlic, cumin and nutmeg, this sausage is perfect when served with white or fava beans. It does well in paella, too. Venison makes good butifarra, too. You can also add lots of sweet red peppers to make a lovely butifarra. You can even add some hog blood to achieve the highly desirable Catalan Negro Butifarra.

Beautiful butifarra sausage ready for the smoker

The Chief prefers to make his sausages from pork loin and eliminating the pork fat which is almost essential for good chorizo and also essential for clogging up arteries. The Chief prefers lean sausages over another heart surgery.

Chief's Chorizo ready for smoking

Here's how the Chief makes his chorizo...Pork is cut up into 1/2 inches pieces and seasoned with lots of Spanish smoked paprika, granulated garlic, black pepper, marjoram, salt, sucrose and Spanish sweet sherry. Phosphate and Cure #2 must be used if you go to dry-curing. The mixture is then bagged and placed in the refrigerator to let the flavors develop overnight. The next day the Chief stuffs into hog casings and cold smokes his chorizo over applewood from his spring pruning.

Applewood cut on evenly on bandsaw allows for controlled smoking

The Chief loves his Brinkman Cooker, but it is too hot for smoking. Being the genius that he is, he replaces the original electric heating element that produces 250 degree temperatures with a charcoal starter that will generate only around 100 degrees.

Original element on top and low temp element on bottom

The Chief's second-hand Hobart grinder is a real workhorse

The chorizo is now in the smoker, after it is dunked into ice cold water and vacuum bagged, the Chief will head off to Big Fishing Creek on this beautiful overcast day! Two more weeks of Lent and it's back to beer drinking!

Chorizo is great in omeletes, rice and pasta dishes, or just sliced thin and eaten. Butifarra can be eaten with most anything. It is great grilled.


Bowhunter said...

That’s a mighty nice looking sausage. It’s amazing how few people realize the joy of truly smoking sausage.

Festus said...

Man that stuff looks tantalizing!

Wade Rivers said...

That thar's some mighty fine lookin' grub but I reckon a man ain't truly ate meat until he's had a slice of raw Buffler liver, dipped it in the bladder and ate it right there on the spot. The mo' freshly kilt the better.

I'm half froze for some right now just thinkin' on it.

Festus said...

"Buffler liver, dipped it in the bladder and ate it right there on the spot."

Dang it. This reminds me of J Johnson. You folks know that the famous montain man by the name of Jeremiah Johnson was known as Livereaten Johnson dontcha's? Legend says he would cut the liver out of each foe that he kilt and take a bite out of it. The Crow were scared to death of him.

Damned buffalo are prolly a might bit skeert to.

Wade Rivers said...

Brave man he was, sure enough. That hoss used a Green River Knife for all his liver eatin'.

Blackfeet wered purty skeert of him too I'm thinkin', and those injuns didn't skeer so easy. They'd just as soon kill a hoss, scalp him, cut off his pizzle, smash his brains in, and leave the rest of it out on the plains for wolf meat.

Just as well, I reckon. A man gets a feeling when the years pile up on him too much. He ain't so spry sometimes in the mornin', and at night he has to keep rollin' out to let off water, and his bones hurt, and he figgers he's gonna lose his scalp ifin he keeps pushin' on after beaver on the Wind or the Grey Bull or the Popo Agie. I reckon God don't like for a man to set his sights too high. Time he over-aims, God sics something on him...

But that's a whole other story for another time. Right now this child is bone tard and has to get some quality shut eye before the big Green River Rendezvous.

Festus said...

Well hellfire. It ain't soundin' much like you got to much Pilgrim blood flowin' through yer coolin' system I reckon:-)