Thursday, March 26, 2009

Yucca Shaker

Bowman taking his turn shaking the Official Cocktail of the RBF Pro Staff

Ah...that's beautiful!

Glen G shortly after consuming his portion of the 2008 Yucca


Festus said...

"Glen G shortly after consuming his portion of the 2008 Yucca"

ROFLMAO. I'm glad I didn't ask:-)

Wade Rivers said...

That thar Glen G fella just got done puttin' a wet on a powerful dry is what I'm thinkin'.

GlenG said...

Man, I don't even remember that. Are you sure I was that toasted?

Must have been feeling old that day and I was trying out my new youthenization program.....The jury's still out on the efffectiveness of the program however.....but in some folks its been a real life saver....