Actually an old photo of a fish from long ago. This was a northern pike I somehow managed to catch in the Knife River near Beulah, North Dakota with my brother-in-law and his kids about 28 years ago. Those little kids now have kids of their own.
I finally got a photo scanner last week and have been slowly archiving old photos, slides, and negatives. Gotta have something to do during this interminable winter.
I believe that you could still fit into those nifty duds today. That's more than I can say for myself! I got to get me one of those scanners. I have a billion slides dating way back when.
Nifty post!
Nice picture Matt,
I agree with chief that you can still fit into those duds. Lets see some more old time shots.
Thanks guys.
Chief, I bought a CanoScan 8800F from Canon (thru Amazon). It can scan up to four slides, 12 negatives, or 3 to 4 prints at a time and put each slide, negative, or print into a separate image and file. It uses LED technology thus requiring no warm up either at start up or between scans. I have only used it for a few days but seems to do well.
Yo Matt,
Ed Shenk called, he said he wants his shirt back :^)
Cool photo and great choice of scanner.
Now that was funny!
I must live under a rock, I didn't know that they made such devices. I need me one of those hi tech scanners.
Hey Wade,
The 90's called, they said they want their joke back.
-Eddy Shenk
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