Came upon this black bear last summer as I was working my way upstream on the Gallatin River in Montana just below the mouth of Specimen Creek. Fishing stonefly nymphs on a brutally hot day in late July. At first glance, with the unaided eye from about 150 yards away, I thought it was a grizzer bear. Further scrutiny through some medium sized glass proved it to be a blackie so after snagging a few pix I continued on my merry way upstream. After all, this wasn't the infamous Hickory Run Bear that created such a fuss with all those flatlanders back in good ol' Pee-Aye a couple of years ago. Shortly after this shot was taken, the bear crossed the river and then disappeared into the tree line on the far side.
Stonefly nymphs were graciously provided by Mathew Long of Long Outfitting out of Deadrock, Montana
Canon 75-300mm f/4.5 hand held and zoomed in to 300mm. Camera settings were chosen by the Gods at Canon. Range - 150 yards.
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