The low water and slow fishing in these parts has me pining for western waters with its spectacular scenery and accomodating (sometimes) fish. Herewith a few scenes from a 2006 trip to Wyoming and Montana.
Clarks's fork of the Yellowstone river between Cooke City MT and Cody WY

Clark's Fork cutthroat
Cricket the flyfishing dog staying alert for Mr. Griz
The better half enjoying her needle craft along the Gallatin river.
The foot bridge at Soda Butte, Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone cutthroat from the Lamar River just upstream of the highway bridge.

The Sanderson boys with their nephew, Mike Kuhnert, the best young guide on the Missouri River. Left to right, Sam, Mike, Matt (Agrontrutta).
Pelican Point take out on the Missouri River near Cascade MT.
"The morning of a beautiful summer day in Montana. What more could be asked? " Tom McGuane, The Longest Silence.
Nice job with the photos Matt. I would love to hit that stretch of water on the Clarks’s Fork. Now if I could only get Smokey to lie next to a stream like that.
Wow, nice pics Matt. Ditto what Mike said about Clark's Fork - fishy lookin spot. I'd love to send a big ugly sculpin down there for a swim....
Looks like it was a great trip!
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