-New Amended Version-
Saint Peter stood, at Heaven's gate,
Where all souls come to learn their fate.
Saying to some souls, "Enter in!""Go to Hell," to others, "you are steeped in sin.
"When up from earth, with a great riffraff
Came all the members of the RBF Pro Staff.
The angel Gabriel, peering out,Said, "What, the devil, is that ungodly noise about?"
"Gabe," said Pete, "There's always lots of ungodly noise,
At any get-together of the Pro Staff boys --
Those are anglers and they all tell lies.
About the trout that got away, their fierceness and their size --
They want to have a summit here, for our brooks are full of ungodly trout,
But I won't have any liars, and I'll keep those characters out;
No liars enter Heaven, and I'll most distinctly tell
The whole danged Pro Staff, to go to Hell."
Then, at a little distance from the precious pearly gate,
The Pro Staff fellows paused to talk and cogitate;
The gang just back from a western horseback fishin trip
Let a few choice words rip.
But Goose said, "This is the only way --
"You'd best leave this to me boys," he said.
"Just let me handle Pete and in a flash we'll be inside upon that Golden Beat;
I'll show him that he's one of us, because he used to be,
Himself, a brother fisher, in the Sea of Galilee--
Goose proclaimed with a hardy laugh
That Pete would be an honorary member of the Pro Staff.”
"Agreed! Agreed!" the Pro Staff cried, but the Chief said, "Wait!
"Amend it thus provided that he doesn’t fish with bait."
Saint Peter observed the Pro Staffers and he waved his hand at them.
"Come in! Come in!" he shouted, for he was now a Pro Staffer, too,
And he knew that they, as a whole, were a most harmless crew.
Saint Pete declared that “fishin requires sufficient libation.”
So they passed the pretty blue bottle in celebration.
So all the Pro Staffers got to heaven, thanks to the Ambassator of Good Will and Pete
And their last field testing report reads, "Fishing here is neat."
The Chief