The first person to identify the correct location in this latest Google Earth fly-by (click on the image for a larger version) will be the proud winner of a slightly used, but still functional, official industrial sized RBF Fart Suppressor.
Mulitple Choice:a) Forks of the Delaware
b) Hammersley Fork, Pa.
c) Cross Fork, Pa.
d) First Fork - Costello, Pa.
e) Village of "Forks" (aka Coburn, Pa.)
f) Forks of Young Woman's Creek
If you know the correct answer, or think you know the correct answer, please jot it down on a slip of paper and attach it to a brand new 16" Meade aplanatic hyperbolic telescope with a 400mm aperture, a zero image-shift microfocuser, an oversized observatory-quality primary mirror with long exposure locking system, smart drive permanent periodic error correction system, Sony GPS reciever sensor, heavy duty double tine fork mounting, 26mm - 5 element eye piece, hand held Auto Star controller and a high precision 1-arc minute pointing system and mail the entire package to me, Wade Rivers c/o Cherry Springs State Park, Coudy Pike, Potter County, Pa.
Please make sure the package is properly insured.